Saturday, December 9, 2006

We've Past the Point of No Return

Chapter One, Angel's Voices

I hope you enjoy this Phan Phic. It is my first website so I hope you like it. I will start with the first day the Phantom and Christine meet. I will be using the Musical, Novel and some of Susan Kay's story and my experience in Opera. It is my dream to become an Opera singer and hope to someday sing at one of the famous opera houses so I hope that the love of my art will come out in my writing. So I present to you We've Passed the Point of No Return.
Your obedient friend

It’s 188O at the Paris Opera, two months before the Gala Performance. This is in celebration of when the opera house was built.

Chapter One, Angels Voices

It was a cold November afternoon when the snow was on the ground and the rays of sunshine came through the clouds to the dressing room window, where the two women were. Christine shared a dressing room with Meg. The room was not just used for performances, but also to live in. It had two beds, one mirror and two dressers. They both performed ballet and once in a while sang in the chorus. Mme. Giry, Meg’s mother had an attached room merely so she could assist them with costumes, makeup, quick entrances or take care of them in a motherly fashion, including keeping them away from people that could demoralize them. Meg and Christine stayed away from those people and they were still quite innocent for their age, so Mme Giry felt good that she had brought the girls up right. Mme. Giry helped with a number of things for performances simply in case they needed something. Both of the girls were old enough to take care of themselves. Christine just turned twenty, Meg was seventeen and yet everyone took care of each other even the girls took care of Mme. Giry once in a while though she would never admit it. Meg had a tremendous passion for ballet, like many of the girls there, but Christine was different. She enjoyed dance, but her heart was somewhere else, somewhere in the heavens. Christine and Meg sat waiting for three o’clock to come to find out the casting results for the Gala Performance. Christine kept on rubbing her palms because of being nervous. She also felt every muscle in her body tense when she started to think that all the performers at the opera house, including Carlotta, were also waiting. Everyone was praying that Carlotta would not get the lead roles, but she had all the managers wrapped around her little manipulating finger. All Christine hoped for was one of the leading roles in the performance. Since Christine’s father died she could not sing without remembering their performances together with her voice and his violin. Tears would fall from her eyes and ruin all the arias she would try to sing. Christine, in a way, made a deal between her father and herself. that if he would send her the Angel of Music, she would have her dreams come true and sing on stage with all the happiness in the world. Oh yes, Christine wanted to sing with all her heart especially the leading roles. When she heard opera performed her soul flew as high as the stars, but the only thing the manager would let her do was dance and sing in the chorus.
It had been four years since Christine’s father died and lately the sorrow had lessened its grasp on her heart. She wished now for a better part and felt ready for her Angel of Music to come and teach her to sing as the angels do.
While Christine thought about her father Meg was talking about who would get what roles so she tried to listen to her friend to no avail.
"I know Carlotta and Piangi will sing the leading roles, but what dancing part will Sorelli have? Meg asked with excitement. I hear they’re adding an aria that’s not part of any opera at all." Christine began to dream of her angel and how majestic he must look. Then little Meg’s voice came to Christine’s attention again. "It’s going to be after or before the ballet. I also snuck down to the third cellar and saw some of the set pieces and they’re magnificent."
Meg began to see Christine was thinking about something else and became curious. "What are you thinking about? You are always interested about the opera gossip, but it seems your head is in the clouds."
Christine looked at a picture of her father right by her bed and was about to tell Meg about her father when she heard many of the girls screaming in the hall and heard them run passed their door in horror. Meg ran with her slippers on her feet towards the door and began to open it slightly. "No! Meg don’t! It could be the Opera ghost" Christine said feeling a shiver go up her back. Christine was afraid that Meg was going to get killed by the Phantom with his Punjab lasso.
Meg looked around the door into the hall that was always unusually dark. "It’s all right the Phantom won’t hurt me. I am still scared. I think I’ll go check it out." Meg said in a shaky tone. Christine felt like she should go with her best friend so if something happened one of them could get help. "Meg let me go with you," Christine said, getting up from her cot. Meg did not want to put her best friend in jeopardy so she refused Christine’s help. There were shadows everywhere Meg looked. She then went into the hall and searched to see if the girls, whoever they were, really saw the Phantom. She walked down the hall and everything was so silent that whenever she took a step she could hear her slippers making a sweeping sound that bounced off the walls.

Before the Phantom scared the ballrats he was passing a corridor with his white mask that covered half the right side of his face and was wearing his black cape flowing in the breeze of the airy passages in the Opera House. His hair was raven black and his eyes were light blue, but when he was in the dark his eyes would glow like two white lights that seemed to look right into your soul. He was stepping quickly so he could get to his box, Box Five. Today he wanted to go through some of his old passages that he had not been in, for years, just for old time sake. Now the Phantom was forty years old. His body was muscular, and as such could be easily mistaken for a man in his twenty’s. He always got his exercise going up steps, up ladders, swinging on ropes and other acrobatic activities. Right now he was trying to get to his box early and play a few tricks with the balletrats and maybe frighten the managers when they do their casting results for the Gala performance. The Phantom was not this happy in years. They would do some of his favorite arias in the opera Faust and they better have some good singers picked out or he would make the managers pay. "If they ruin Faust I’ll kill every man jack in his place. They’ll do it right!." he said squeezing his black leather gloved hands to make a fist and laughing.
Walking around a corner trying to get his bearings the Phantom grabbed a latch and got into character as the Opera ghost. He usually didn’t do this in daylight, but in this hall there was not much light, which was perfect for hiding in the shadows and jumping out and scaring anyone that might pass. Walking through the secret door he spied on six of the balletrats. He slowly went near the shadowed corner where they were standing because they seemed more interested in their conversation than their surroundings. He jumped out of the darkness and grabbed his Punjab lasso, hanging it out, for all to see. The balletrats began to scream and ran off into Sorilli’s room. The Phantom laughed looking at the girls running and closing the door behind them. Then the sad thoughts. Swarming in his mind. A monster of the darkness. Just then the Phantom saw a light from a door and Meg Giry coming out into the hall. The Phantom’s reflexes, that were like a cat’s, went as fast as he could into the darkness by the wall. Meg then thought she saw something in the shadows. When she felt someone behind her touch her shoulder Meg jumped in fear and she began to turn to see who it was. She saw it was Ceclie Jammes, one of her best friends. Meg let out a sigh and said " Ceclie you frightened me"
"Meg I’m so sorry. Mme. Giry needs your help with some of the young ballerina's. There are too many of them for her to handle," she said smiling.
Meg would bet on her life that if it was not so dark, in this hall, and you could see her face, she would look quite pale with horror. She knew she saw someone in the hallway. Who? She was not completely sure, but she was pretty sure it was the Opera ghost itself. "Meg did you hear me?" Ceclie asked.
"Oh, yes I will come with you. Meg felt like she should go get Christine because she didn’t want the Phantom to get her. So Meg asked, " Did Mumma want Christine to come too?"
"No, she didn’t mention anyone else."
"Well... Christine could help."
"Meg she needs your help right away" And before Meg could say another word Ceclie grabbed her hand and they began to run with haste to help Mme. Giry. Meg glanced back to where she saw the dark figure, but it was gone.

--8()-@ @-()8--

The Phantom sighed in relief when he saw that Meg was halted by a young lady, about her age. Then he examined the wall that he was standing by and saw that it was one of his doors. He must have made this passageway ten years ago and forgot about its existence. He pulled the secret lever and slipped into the black abyss like a ghost hardly making a sound. He got to the other side and found the door guiding his hand to the knomb. He began to open the door to the other side, when a beam of white light hit his eyes and blinded him momentarily, but he then got accustomed to it . The luminous sun light came from a hole in the wall and the Phantom with slyness peered through to the other side. He then saw what he did not expect, which made him forget to breath for a second, but then he caught himself. He saw the most entrancing women he ever gazed at in his life. He desired to touch her and he wondered what was wrong with him. She made his heart stir with something he was not certain what it was. All he knew was he felt drawn to her and he savored it. He also never had this feeling in his heart before . He doted on what she looked like, so innocent with her long blond curly hair and luscious red lips, and what a perfect face and body she had. "What is wrong with me? Why do I want her so?" he whispered.
He even relished what she was wearing which was her town clothes because their was no rehearsal today just casting results. She had a purple dress that had three layered skirts that went out a little like a hoop skirt of the civil war, but not so much that it was one. It made her body look so appealing. The under layer that you could see was a deep royal purple, the next color was a medium of the same color with white lace that was shorter, well just about a foot. The actual smallest skirt was a V down her dress that was light purple and see through making her appearance look so attractive. The top part of the dress was tight around her thin form and slightly low cut with lace for the neck line, which made the Phantom need her all the more, though he nevertheless did not comprehend why. Christine stared at her father's picture again with tears coming to her eyes making her vision blurry. She went and sat on her bed, eyes locked on the picture with feelings of adoration. Christine also felt like her father had abandoned her and it seemed that it was getting absurd to believe in an Angel of Music. She began to feel like she should sing to her father about the uncertainties and yearnings that she has. Christine looked up towards the heavens and with longing she began to sing. When she started to sing the Phantom listened intently to the most pure heaven on earth sound that filled his ears:
"Little Lottie thought of everything and nothing Her Father promised her that he would send Her the Angel of Music Her Father promised her... Her Father promised her...

You said when you were dying he would come And teach me... My Angel would come and help me to sing as the heavens... Father its been years and I’ve waited for him but he will never come to me I have grown to know that fact"

Christine then sang out with all her heart and yet there was a lump in her throat from trying to hold back the unhappiness that consumed her heart. All she wanted was her Pappa back. He would know what to do. That’s what she would have bethought four years ago, but now she knew the world was so much more demanding and her aspirations would not be so easily won.

"Angel of Music You never came to me... I must stop believing in you and just say goodbye...

Passing years and many prayers I feel you let me down Because I wanted my dreams to come true and not for them to shatter
Too many years fighting back tears why can’t the past just die"

When she sang the Phantom thought that her voice had the gift of music "I’m sure of it" he whispered

"Angel of Music I know we must say Goodbye Pappa forgive teach me to live give me the strength to try No more dreams of being an opera star"

Her voice was untrained and sounded ghastly at least to his level of perfection, yes, but in spite of everything it had a beauty like no others he had ever heard.

"No more dreams going all over the world"

The Phantom had an idea. Why couldn’t he be her Angel of Music He was ranked by many that he sounded comparable to an angel from heaven. Then he could converse with her and sing with her. He could make this astonishing young women into the most superlative opera singer in the world and maybe she could even be his friend. All he had to do was never reveal himself to her and stay in his hiding spot.
The Phantom was contemplating to speaking to her, but he was waiting for her to complete her unhappy song of dreams and talk to him. He started to experience butterfly's in his stomach and perceived something warm within his heart." I know it can’t love. I’ve grown too old to love anyone. I must just be nervous." he softly said The Phantom could hear his heart pound in his head and his palms were all perspiring. He recalled never being this concerned about anything since Persia and it made his soul feel so alive, like never before. He leaned in and listened to the final portion of the song hearing her voice that would change his life forever.
By now Christine had tears in her eyes knowing the woeful truth that everything her father claimed in his stories were fantasies and not real life. Even though she knew in her heart she will perpetually believe in those myths and treasure them all the days of her life.

"Angel we must say Goodbye we must say Goodbye"


After Christine completed her song she glimpsed at the grandfather clock that was in the corner of the room and saw it was two thirty. "Only a half an hour till I know the roles I will sing," she said nervously wiping her tears away.
Then Christine looked around the room and sensed a chill go throughout her veins. She thought she was being observed from somewhere and that eyes were peering straight at her. What if it’s the Phantom itself. "Hello, Is anyone there? she said softly. Christine listened attentively for a response, but their was none. She began to calm herself down thinking that people always get those feelings like their actuality being gazed at. I read too many books," she whispered. The Phantom was still considerably nervous to speak or sing to her. He didn’t honestly know her name which was exceedingly strange, for an angel should know the individuals name he is going to watch after. What would he call her? He thought for a instant, but gave up thinking for the angels themselves. The Phantom wished to astound her so he started to use some of his powers to make a significant entrance as her Angel of Music. So he did some hand movements and the magic proceeded from the tips of his fingers to the direction he chose for them to go.
Christine began to force herself to accept no one was there, but all of a sudden she heard what seemed to be a loud crashing sound behind her and rapidly hurled in horror around to face it. All of the shutters had opened and immediately the freezing cold wind was shifting them back and forth and the chilling air was hitting Christine’s alarmed and cold face. She felt her heart beat within her chest, but started to slowly walk toward the shutters and closed and locked three of them. When she was a step away from the closest shutter, they all opened at the same time, with a monstrous bang that petrified Christine so badly that she hastened to the opposite side of the room into a corner.
The Phantom smirked, but then he looked deep into Christine’s face, that he was now practically close enough to touch and saw dread behind her gorgeous blue eyes. He began to not like what he was accomplishing. She was all ready afraid of him and she wasn’t even looking at him. " What am I trying to do? I don’t want to frighten such a tender creature. Oh, I got too carried away. He stared at her seeing her body tremble wishing to sing to her and make her fears go away. It has been so long since I’ve tried not spooking people and have forgotten how to act around a women without being the Opera ghost. Maybe I have turned into the ghost I’ve created." he whispered.
Christine tried to inform herself it was just the wind, but she knew she locked all three shutters and it would be close to impossible for them to unlock themselves. She then felt a gust of strong bone chilling wind hit her small form from across the room causing her to quiver even more. Next the Phantom and Christine saw it began to snow. The snow flakes were falling into the room from the windows making a carpet of ice inside which looked magical to the eye. The Phantom saw her warm breath in the icy air wishing he was that air going in and out of her lungs and mouth, but he knew he could not ever be observed. Her eyes were too holy to look upon his sinful body. He knew that he had to impersonate the Angel of Music before they both caught a cold and this was his opportunity which petrified him half to death. " Here it goes," he said with his voice shaky.
Christine was thinking why doesn’t she scurry away and get out of this room, but something drew her here. She was afraid, but she sensed something astounding was about to occur at the same time. Like her Pappa was right in this room about to speak to her and yet she felt also in risk that maybe the Phantom was about to finish her off too. So many mixed emotions were playing inside her mind she didn’t know what to do, but see what was about to happen.
The shutters then closed considerably slow and opened even more slowly and the golden sun came out from the gray clouds and made its dazzling light known to both of them. The light was at first very little , but then all the clouds got out of the way and its brilliance shined on the room making Christine feel like God himself was watching out for her. She then heard a voice singing that sounded so distant coming from outside. At first she thought it was someone singing to another person. Then it got closer and closer till she could make out the words and hear the most angelic voice she ever heard in her lifetime that seemed to be coming from the blazing sun.

"Wandering Child so lost so helpless yearning for my guidance"

It had to be someone playing a trick on her, but how could anyone on this earth sing so enchanting she could not comprehend. She had to ask this person or divine being who it was, but Christine’s body shook with dread of it not being her Angel of Music. She also felt its eyes gazing right at her. So she got on her knees and bowed her head in prayer singing...

"Angel....or Father

friend or Phantom?

Who is it there staring....?" "Have you forgotten your Angel?"

The Phantom heard her gorgeous instrument of a voice singing to him. His heart stopped in his chest thinking of being with her everyday. Teaching her all he knew about Verdi, Rossini, Handel, Gounod and many more composers. Also which was the most arousing to him was to instruct her how to sing like a little Nightingale. He looked into her eyes and saw that they were glowing with happiness thinking he was her Angel of Music. Christine stood and walked slowly towards the seductive and divine sounding voice descending in awe to her knees. The white powdered snow was now falling upon her golden hair that the sun was gleaming off of and purple dress making the Phantom want to paint a picture of this song bird from heaven. Christine next with more strength in her voice sang feeling her body being attracted to the voice.

"Angel... oh, speak... What endless longings echo in this whisper!"

The Phantom scarcely could believe it when he heard the words utter from her mouth. He felt needed, but it wasn’t the type that was like doing a chore. No, this feeling was much better than that. He felt like he was flying on the clouds themselves. He finally had a purpose in his life to teach her all he knew and he would if it was the last thing he would accomplished in his life.
The Phantom then moved his voice effortlessly near where he was standing so she would advance towards him. He wanted a pleasurable look at his pupil and her enticing face.
Christine had yearned for her Angel for numerous years and barely could consider that at this moment they were singing together as if they had known each other for a long time.

"Too long you’ve wandered in winter... Far from my far reaching gaze..."

Christine then heard the voice transfer near the wall and she got on her two feet and pursued it. She desired to be as close to her Angel of Music as possible, but then something inside her hesitated from going towards the voice. What if this was a prank one of the men like Joseph Buquet would do? Christine glanced back at the snowy shutters and shivered from being chilled and troubled thoughts went through her mind making her confused on what to do next. Then Christine faced the voice and she sang the fear she had.
At the same time the Phantom noticed her shudder he guessed from the cold. When she looked back towards his voice by the wall he slowly without making a sound closed the shutters. She didn’t even have a shawl on her pale white shoulders which worried the Phantom because he didn’t want her to get a sore throat. He felt stupid not closing them sooner for he was freezing, as well.

"Wildly my mind beats against you.." "You resist..."

Though she thought this, she knew that no one on this earth could sing like this voice could. So she forgot her fears and both their voices were one with the notes and he was perfectly on the beat with her.

"Yet the soul obeys..." "Yet your soul obeys..."

Then the Phantom and Christine sang even louder letting their every note make them soar. Christine walked slowly again to her Angel’s voice wishing that she never said she didn’t believe in it. She felt guilty and would make it up to her Angel by singing for it constantly. Their was something Christine wanted more then ever and that was to see her Angel. So that's what she sang...

"Angel of Music "Angel of Music

I denied you You denied me

turning from true beauty turning from true beauty

Angel of Music Angel of Music

My Protector.... Do not shun me...

Come to me strange Come to your strange

Angel...." Angel...."

Christine looked everywhere and waited for it to come out of its secret hiding spot. Her heart was leaping for joy at the thought of seeing her Angel. The Phantom was so angry at himself and he didn’t know what to do, but show her the thing he was. "Damn, I said she could see me accidentally," the Phantom thought quietly.
--8()-@ This day would change Christine and the Phantom’s life forever. How could they have known the price they would pay? @-()8--

Chapter Two, Casting Results
Everyone was seated near the immense stage of the Opera House waiting for their roles to be called out by the Managers. Many people were marveling at the golden statues of men and women who were on the walls and boxes of the theatre . The gold sparkled when the light of the enormous and beautiful chandelier hit them with its brilliance. Those were the new people of course and looked everywhere about the Paris Opera House in amazement. Meg was striving to assist her mother to keep the young ballet children in their seats and Ceclie was already seated, awaiting her fate of what dance roles she would play. All twenty children were growing impatient and awfully difficult to control. Some would not sit still, while others were getting into fights with the other children. Meg noticed one of the tots, pulling another child's dark brown hair causing her to bawl. "Stop that right now! How would you like it if someone did that to you?" Meg said in a sharp tone to the guilty child. She then brought the crying tot in her arms and held her. "It’s all right. I will move you somewhere else. Shhh..." Then Meg said to Mame Giry, "Mother lets move Beth, please." Mame Giry gazed at her daughter imaging Meg having a child of her own. Not yet, she has to dance first and have a bright new future in what she loves, she thought. Then Mame Giry remembered Christine and how she wasn’t here, which was unusual because she never was late for such an important event. The Mangers would march out any minute and many of the seats were all ready filled with most of the people that inhabited the dormitories. Meg looked at her mother, it appeared she was immersed in thought and had a dramatic look on her face. "Mother?" Meg asked. Mame Giry heard her little Meg’s voice and turned quickly to acknowledge. "Yes?" she said looking for Christine. It was such a big theatre and she started to look in all directions hoping to see Christine sitting somewhere else. She didn’t know why she was so nervous for Christine’s safety, but she had a premonition that something was wrong. Meg looked at her knowing something was troubling her, but said nothing about it. " Do you want me to move Beth? Tilly pulled her hair." Mame Giry looked down at the child and saw tears down her sweet little face. "No I’ll do that, but I want you to find Christine please." she said with worry in her eyes.
Meg had forgot about Christine and couldn’t believe she wasn’t here yet. "All right, Mumma," Meg said handing Beth to Mame Giry. Meg darted off to find Christine hoping the Opera ghost didn’t injure her or something worse...

Meanwhile, the Phantom was trying to figure out what to do. She would never wish to be his friend if she saw him. "Song bird do you want me to be your teacher, because your voice has been blessed by God himself," he said trying to make her forget about seeing him. Christine beamed with considerable amounts of joy that her Angel didn’t abandon her. For there was silence for awhile and she was getting frightened she made it enraged somehow. "Angel do you really want to teach me and are you the Angel of Music my father promise me before he died.
The Phantom grinned at what she said, almost making him laugh, which he didn’t do frequently. This women would make him happy, he knew that for sure. "Yes! We will practice everyday after dinner, say around nine and I will make you the Prima Donna of this Opera House in no time," he said in a soft angelic voice.
Christine’s face lit up with more happiness and she fell to her knees in wonderment. She couldn’t believe it. How could her voice ever be that good. "How could I possibly be a Prima Donna ?" she said in a whisper hardly able to talk.
The Phantom stared at her face and saw tears of awe and joy in them. "It is God’s will, Child! Nothing is impossible then." He was so happy seeing her like this it made his heart skip a beat. Meg got to their dressing room and rapped sharply on the door hoping Christine was there. "Christine are you all right! The casting results are going to start anytime now!" she shouted.
Christine heard Meg’s voice from outside the door. "Meg I’m great," whispering then to her Angel, "I will meet you at nine right in this room tonight."
The Phantom discovered her name being said by Meg. "Christine, Christine," he sang so softly. Her name felt like honey to his lips. He thought of her as a daughter, that was it. What else could it be, he thought, and began to think of what to teach her in their first lesson tonight.
The Phantom then hastily went through a few dark corridors and went up some steps till he got to his box and went behind a curtain. He then grabbed a lever looking around to see if anyone was watching him, but everyone appeared to be too preoccupied to notice and so he pulled it.
The floor of the box was a platform that descended to a crawl space bellow. When the platform discontinued moving, the Phantom got on his stomach and pulled another lever that slid out the extra floor, so no one would get suspicious when they went in the real box five.
The Phantom had two fairly large holes to gaze through so he could see the entire room filled with people and the attractive stage, but no one could see him, which made everyone more comfortable. Christine opened the door in swift haste and saw Meg’s worried face. "I am so sorry. I was singing and forgot the time." Meg next without saying anything grabbed Christine’s hand and led the way to the theatre.
Christine darted with Meg going down the tremendous gray marble staircase trying to get to their seats in the Opera House. Christine’s garments seemed comparable to a sea of purple waves going downward the solid smooth steps. Meg’s appearance would be has a ballerinas if only she wasn’t scurrying and skidding down the slick stairs. She sensed her foot slip and Christine saw Meg about to topple over and rushed towards her hoping to aid her. Meg instead grabbed the railing and gained her balance from that.
Christine felt relieved that Meg didn’t fall and had the biggest smile on her face she ever had since her father was alive. She wasn’t half as concerned with the cast results as she was before. Now Christine knew everything would be all right because her Angel would take care of her. It was all she could think about. Little Daae entrusted her Opera and future only in God’s and her Angel’s hands. That’s the only place it would be secure.
Christine running down the hall saw the two golden doors that shined like the heavens and was the entrance to the Orchestra level where they would sit. Christine thought it was funny that they didn’t say anything till they got to the doors, because she wondered why Meg was so quiet.
Meg turned to Christine and said, "Good luck."
Christine smiled at that and looked at the door nervously. Then she looked up as if to the heavens and thought of her Angel of Music. Christine then turned her gaze to Meg and said, "Good luck too, dear friend."
Meg then peeked into see what was going on. They were just dimming the lights so only the stage lights were on. Meg motioned for Christine to follow her.
Christine followed her down the isle only seeing Meg’s light pink ballet gown because it was as dark as night where they were.
Mame Giry was sitting in silence and finally saw her daughter and Christine coming towards her. Relief flooded Mame Giry’s heart to see them both coming to where she was seated with the children.
Giry nodded to Christine and Little Daae nodded back to her hoping Mame Giry was not angry, being she was almost late for something so important.
Meg sat down with her mother and Christine and began to be aware of her surroundings. She had been thinking this whole time since she went and found Christine that Christine had a glow about her that she never saw before. Meg could see it in her face and even how she moved, but she couldn’t put her finger on what happened between the last time they saw each other and now.
The Phantom saw with his cat like eyes that allowed him to see in the dark his song bird, Christine and also Meg who were sneaking to their seats. "Good, Christine, my Nightingale you're just in time for your undeserving roles to be called out to you." he said gripping his Punjab noose tightly.
Christine saw the mangers coming from behind the red curtain and M. Moncharmin came to the middle of the stage first.
M. Moncharmin began... " Ladies and Gentlemen I am glad that you are all here tonight. Many of you know me, I am one of the joint mangers of the Opera house and I know that most of you know these two men, MM. Debienne and Poligny who own the Paris Opera." They both bowed and all the mangers and the directors did their speeches about the Paris Opera. The audience clapped for their nice speeches, but finally what everyone was waiting for or so we all thought.
M. Moncharmin came to the middle of the stage again after one of the directors was finished talking. " Good afternoon Cast of the Opera National De Paris and the Corps De Ballet. I have a great surprise for you."
Christine’s heart began to pound with excitement and joy when she heard what he had to say.
" Let me introduce to you this Performances conductors. Some of the best composers and conductor of our day. Gounod who will be conducting the Funeral March of the Marionnette, Reyer who conducts all our opera’s will be conducting his beautiful overture that is in Siguar, Saint Saens will be conducting as well as Massenet, Guivaud and Delibes."
The Phantom was so excited that his favorite composer M. Gounod was here. Since the Phantom heard his opera’s he thought for sure he almost looked up to the man. No one thought his opera’s good, but no one knows anything about music. "Someday his opera’s will be magnificent to people and the man will die before he knows he is a great composer. Well everyone should be hanged!!" he whispered in anger.
All the composers and conductors stood up from their seat and bowed to the audience who were clapping for them. Next M. Moncharmin began the cast results. " La Carlotta you wanted to know your roles first. You have the solo in Romeo et Juliet when Juliet is trying to make up her mind to drink the potion, the jail scene in Faust, lead singer in Hannable’s March and our new song Think of Me."
The Phantom’s blood began to boil in anger that Christine didn’t get those roles. He sang without letting them hear making his voice low and menacing.

"Damn Them! Curse Them!"
The Phantom smirked evilly and gazing down at his noose and then gazed at Christine and grinned dreamily. "Christine you will have those roles, not that cow."
He would not make a spectacle of himself, but when the managers are alone I’ll show them my catgut noose if I have to, so Christine will play those parts, the Phantom thought.
Meg got good dancing parts. She got in Valse lente and Pizzicati from Sylvia and Hannable’s March. Ceclie also got great dancing roles and they were both overly excited.
It was, then Christine’s turn to hear her roles. There were no chorus roles at all, not even a note. She only got dance roles and one was a dancing girl in Hannible’s March and Pizzicati. Her heart sank and she began to cry. " I should be thankful, but all I want to do is sing. Opera is touched by the heavens and all I want is to sing it, live it and hear. I am so unthankful" She whispered half praying and half saying it to herself.
The Phantom saw Christine’s face which was happy one minute and sad the next. " Christine just you wait, your Angel of Music will come to the rescue and your dreams will come true." he just felt something he hadn’t felt for a long time, it was compassion.
When Christine first heard the words come out of M. Moncharmin’s mouth she couldn’t believe her ears. "Angel why." she whispered. She would have to ask her Angel at nine o’clock why she didn’t get a singing role.
Mame Giry knew Christine was upset. She went to the mangers before they announced there results and asked them to give her a singing role or two, but there was to many singers in the Opera National De Paris already and they denied Mame Giry’s plea.
Christine couldn’t take much more of this and she wanted to be alone with her Angel more than anything. Tears streamed down her cheeks and all she wanted to do was yell at the mangers for not giving her a singing role and killing her confidence. "It will be supper time after this stupid thing is over and I will never have time to talk to my Angel alone, at least not right away," she softly said to herself
Chapter Two, Casting Results
Everyone was seated near the immense stage of the Opera House waiting for their roles to be called out by the Mangers. Many people were marveling at the golden statues of men and women who were on the walls and boxes of the theatre . The gold sparkled when the light of the enormous and beautiful chandelier hit them with its brilliance. Those were the new people of course and looked everywhere about the Paris Opera House in amazement. Meg was striving to assist her mother to keep the young ballet children in their seats and Ceclie was already seated, awaiting her fate of what dance roles she would play. All twenty children were growing impatient and awfully difficult to control. Some would not sit still, while others were getting into fights with the other children. Meg noticed one of the tots, pulling another child's dark brown hair causing her to bawl. "Stop that right now! How would you like it if someone did that to you?" Meg said in a sharp tone to the guilty child. She then brought the crying tot in her arms and held her. "It’s all right. I will move you somewhere else. Shhh..." Then Meg said to Mame Giry, "Mother lets move Beth, please." Mame Giry gazed at her daughter imaging Meg having a child of her own. Not yet, she has to dance first and have a bright new future in what she loves, she thought. Then Mame Giry remembered Christine and how she wasn’t here, which was unusual because she never was late for such an important event. The Mangers would march out any minute and many of the seats were all ready filled with most of the people that inhabited the dormitories. Meg looked at her mother, it appeared she was immersed in thought and had a dramatic look on her face. "Mother?" Meg asked. Mame Giry heard her little Meg’s voice and turned quickly to acknowledge. "Yes?" she said looking for Christine. It was such a big theatre and she started to look in all directions hoping to see Christine sitting somewhere else. She didn’t know why she was so nervous for Christine’s safety, but she had a premonition that something was wrong. Meg looked at her knowing something was troubling her, but said nothing about it. " Do you want me to move Beth? Tilly pulled her hair." Mame Giry looked down at the child and saw tears down her sweet little face. "No I’ll do that, but I want you to find Christine please." she said with worry in her eyes.
Meg had forgot about Christine and couldn’t believe she wasn’t here yet. "All right, Mumma," Meg said handing Beth to Mame Giry. Meg darted off to find Christine hoping the Opera ghost didn’t injure her or something worse...

Meanwhile, the Phantom was trying to figure out what to do. She would never wish to be his friend if she saw him. "Song bird do you want me to be your teacher, because your voice has been blessed by God himself," he said trying to make her forget about seeing him. Christine beamed with considerable amounts of joy that her Angel didn’t abandon her. For there was silence for awhile and she was getting frightened she made it enraged somehow. "Angel do you really want to teach me and are you the Angel of Music my father promise me before he died.
The Phantom grinned at what she said, almost making him laugh, which he didn’t do frequently. This women would make him happy, he knew that for sure. "Yes! We will practice everyday after dinner, say around nine and I will make you the Prima Donna of this Opera House in no time," he said in a soft angelic voice.
Christine’s face lit up with more happiness and she fell to her knees in wonderment. She couldn’t believe it. How could her voice ever be that good. "How could I possibly be a Prima Donna ?" she said in a whisper hardly able to talk.
The Phantom stared at her face and saw tears of awe and joy in them. "It is God’s will, Child! Nothing is impossible then." He was so happy seeing her like this it made his heart skip a beat. Meg got to their dressing room and rapped sharply on the door hoping Christine was there. "Christine are you all right! The casting results are going to start anytime now!" she shouted.
Christine heard Meg’s voice from outside the door. "Meg I’m great," whispering then to her Angel, "I will meet you at nine right in this room tonight."
The Phantom discovered her name being said by Meg. "Christine, Christine," he sang so softly. Her name felt like honey to his lips. He thought of her as a daughter, that was it. What else could it be, he thought, and began to think of what to teach her in their first lesson tonight.
The Phantom then hastily went through a few dark corridors and went up some steps till he got to his box and went behind a curtain. He then grabbed a lever looking around to see if anyone was watching him, but everyone appeared to be too preoccupied to notice and so he pulled it.
The floor of the box was a platform that descended to a crawl space bellow. When the platform discontinued moving, the Phantom got on his stomach and pulled another lever that slid out the extra floor, so no one would get suspicious when they went in the real box five.
The Phantom had two fairly large holes to gaze through so he could see the entire room filled with people and the attractive stage, but no one could see him, which made everyone more comfortable. Christine opened the door in swift haste and saw Meg’s worried face. "I am so sorry. I was singing and forgot the time." Meg next without saying anything grabbed Christine’s hand and led the way to the theatre.

Here you go guys and here is more of ...
Chapter Two, Casting Results
Christine darted with Meg going down the tremendous gray marble staircase trying to get to their seats in the Opera House. Christine’s garments seemed comparable to a sea of purple waves going downward the solid smooth steps. Meg’s appearance would be has a ballerinas if only she wasn’t scurrying and skidding down the slick stairs. She sensed her foot slip and Christine saw Meg about to topple over and rushed towards her hoping to aid her. Meg instead grabbed the railing and gained her balance from that.
Christine felt relieved that Meg didn’t fall and had the biggest smile on her face she ever had since her father was alive. She wasn’t half as concerned with the cast results as she was before. Now Christine knew everything would be all right because her Angel would take care of her. It was all she could think about. Little Daae entrusted her Opera and future only in God’s and her Angel’s hands. That’s the only place it would be secure.
Christine running down the hall saw the two golden doors that shined like the heavens and was the entrance to the Orchestra level where they would sit. Christine thought it was funny that they didn’t say anything till they got to the doors, because she wondered why Meg was so quiet.
Meg turned to Christine and said, "Good luck."
Christine smiled at that and looked at the door nervously. Then she looked up as if to the heavens and thought of her Angel of Music. Christine then turned her gaze to Meg and said, "Good luck too, dear friend."
Meg then peeked into see what was going on. They were just dimming the lights so only the stage lights were on. Meg motioned for Christine to follow her.
Christine followed her down the isle only seeing Meg’s light pink ballet gown because it was as dark as night where they were.
Mame Giry was sitting in silence and finally saw her daughter and Christine coming towards her. Relief flooded Mame Giry’s heart to see them both coming to where she was seated with the children.
Giry nodded to Christine and Little Daae nodded back to her hoping Mame Giry was not angry, being she was almost late for something so important.
Meg sat down with her mother and Christine and began to be aware of her surroundings. She had been thinking this whole time since she went and found Christine that Christine had a glow about her that she never saw before. Meg could see it in her face and even how she moved, but she couldn’t put her finger on what happened between the last time they saw each other and now.
The Phantom saw with his cat like eyes that allowed him to see in the dark his song bird, Christine and also Meg who were sneaking to their seats. "Good, Christine, my Nightingale you're just in time for your undeserving roles to be called out to you." he said gripping his Punjab noose tightly.
Christine saw the mangers coming from behind the red curtain and M. Moncharmin came to the middle of the stage first.
M. Moncharmin began... " Ladies and Gentlemen I am glad that you are all here tonight. Many of you know me, I am one of the joint mangers of the Opera house and I know that most of you know these two men, MM. Debienne and Poligny who own the Paris Opera." They both bowed and all the mangers and the directors did their speeches about the Paris Opera. The audience clapped for their nice speeches, but finally what everyone was waiting for or so we all thought.
M. Moncharmin came to the middle of the stage again after one of the directors was finished talking. " Good afternoon Cast of the Opera National De Paris and the Corps De Ballet. I have a great surprise for you."
Christine’s heart began to pound with excitement and joy when she heard what he had to say.
" Let me introduce to you this Performances conductors. Some of the best composers and conductor of our day. Gounod who will be conducting the Funeral March of the Marionnette, Reyer who conducts all our opera’s will be conducting his beautiful overture that is in Siguar, Saint Saens will be conducting as well as Massenet, Guivaud and Delibes."
The Phantom was so excited that his favorite composer M. Gounod was here. Since the Phantom heard his opera’s he thought for sure he almost looked up to the man. No one thought his opera’s good, but no one knows anything about music. "Someday his opera’s will be magnificent to people and the man will die before he knows he is a great composer. Well everyone should be hanged!!" he whispered in anger.
All the composers and conductors stood up from their seat and bowed to the audience who were clapping for them. Next M. Moncharmin began the cast results. " La Carlotta you wanted to know your roles first. You have the solo in Romeo et Juliet when Juliet is trying to make up her mind to drink the potion, the jail scene in Faust, lead singer in Hannable’s March and our new song Think of Me."
The Phantom’s blood began to boil in anger that Christine didn’t get those roles. He sang without letting them hear making his voice low and menacing.

"Damn Them! Curse Them!"
The Phantom smirked evilly and gazing down at his noose and then gazed at Christine and grinned dreamily. "Christine you will have those roles, not that cow."
He would not make a spectacle of himself, but when the managers are alone I’ll show them my catgut noose if I have to, so Christine will play those parts, the Phantom thought.
Meg got good dancing parts. She got in Valse lente and Pizzicati from Sylvia and Hannable’s March. Ceclie also got great dancing roles and they were both overly excited.
It was, then Christine’s turn to hear her roles. There were no chorus roles at all, not even a note. She only got dance roles and one was a dancing girl in Hannible’s March and Pizzicati. Her heart sank and she began to cry. " I should be thankful, but all I want to do is sing. Opera is touched by the heavens and all I want is to sing it, live it and hear. I am so unthankful" She whispered half praying and half saying it to herself.
The Phantom saw Christine’s face which was happy one minute and sad the next. " Christine just you wait, your Angel of Music will come to the rescue and your dreams will come true." he just felt something he hadn’t felt for a long time, it was compassion.
When Christine first heard the words come out of M. Moncharmin’s mouth she couldn’t believe her ears. "Angel why." she whispered. She would have to ask her Angel at nine o’clock why she didn’t get a singing role.
Mame Giry knew Christine was upset. She went to the mangers before they announced there results and asked them to give her a singing role or two, but there was to many singers in the Opera National De Paris already and they denied Mame Giry’s plea.
Christine couldn’t take much more of this and she wanted to be alone with her Angel more than anything. Tears streamed down her cheeks and all she wanted to do was yell at the mangers for not giving her a singing role and killing her confidence. "It will be supper time after this stupid thing is over and I will never have time to talk to my Angel alone, at least not right away," she softly said to herself

Chapter Three, The Divine Gown and the Catgut Noose

Christine got up from her seat and looked at Meg and Cecile who were so happy about everything except of course Carlotta getting the lead roles again.

Mame Giry gazed at Christine and saw tears coming down her lovely cheeks and she knew she felt for the girl like a daughter.

" It will be all right. A soft gentle voice came into Mame Giry’s ear and said, "Take Christine out to eat she’ll feel better then." Mame Giry knew that voice and knew not to question it. Now lets go out to eat and forget all about it" she said putting a hand on Christine’s shoulder.

Christine felt a stab of pain in her heart and she just wanted to run, run anywhere. She didn’t care what happened now. Her Angel was wrong. She would never get singing roles or be the Prima Donna of the Paris Opera House.

Christine pushed her way into the crowd and found the door leading out to the hall.

The Phantom saw Christine run out the door, but thought to give her some time alone till he saw her again. He didn’t know how to comfort a women and it made him too nervous, but he would get her something because he knew how it felt. "Rejection hurts and I know how it feels more than anyone, so I will make her happy." He pressed a lever and the floor to Box Five opened and then he pressed another lever and the crawl space went upward. When it discontinued moving the Phantom swiftly went out the door and into the shadows. He knew of a place near the Paris Opera that was still open for not everything was open this time of night.

Meg was so excited that she hardly notice Christine leave. Then she looked for her purple dress and saw her for a moment when she went out the door. "Mumma I want to go out to eat too, but where did Christine go. Christine gets more upset every time. Let me go find her?

Mame Giry felt worried for Christine too and didn’t know if Christine could take the stress of being a Opera singer anyway. " Go ahead Little Meg."

Meg finally found Christine in the church that was attached to the Opera House and she was praying. Meg waited till Christine was done with her little prayer and they both crossed themselves.

The church was small with two little glass windows. One with Mary holding baby Jesus in her arms and the other, Jesus with the twelve disciples right by his side. The one that caught Christine’s eye was the biggest glass window in the church. It was a beautiful Angel holding a violin, who she imagined her Angel of Music to look like. It was colored wonderfully with greens, yellows and blues. She almost felt the window’s eyes gaze right at her at times in approval and happiness of what she has done so far in her life, but she knew her Angel wasn’t by her side, not just yet.

Christine saw Meg in the corner of her eye and wished she wasn’t here. She wanted to be alone and wished to think about everything that happened today.

When Christine didn’t say anything Meg cleared her throat hoping she could make her feel better. "Christine lets go out to eat and just get away for awhile."

Christine looked at Meg thinking of what to do. " I’m not hungry, so you girls go ahead."

They hugged each other and Christine began to sob. Meg then said, " Christine it is better to come with us and get your mind off of it, then to mope around here for hours."

Meg had this feeling that Christine would someday be on that stage singing the lead roles. Christine was like a big sister to her and she looked up to her in many ways.

Christine finally stopped weeping and said to herself, " There must be a reason why I didn’t get a singing role this time. I might not have enough faith in my Angel so it didn’t let me get the part this time. I will talk to..." Christine was cut off by Meg’s little sweet voice.

Meg heard Christine talking about an Angel, but Christine was so soft she only heard that word and nothing else. " So are you coming with us?"

Christine was in a dreamy state of mind thinking of her Angel when she was cut off and heard that question. " Um... sure I guess I’ll come." So Christine and Meg ran to look for Mame Giry and still saw her with the children. All the people that took care of them were picking the children up finally so we could go out to eat. We quickly walked up to Mame Giry and Christine said, "I’ll come along with you to eat."

Mame Giry was glad to hear Christine was coming. " Meg and Christine you must get your evening garments on if you want to go. I will be right behind you girls and remember grab your capes because it’s pretty chilly out."

Christine and Meg nodded and ran to their dressing room to get ready and tried to pick out what Meg should wear tonight. They finally picked out her best dress. Meg’s dress was a light green and had little pink flowers sewn on it with a square neck line. Christine did her hair in a braided bun with wisps of hair around her face.

Christine next was about to get her best dress from the other room, when she saw a new one in her wardrobe and a note saying...

Dear Nightingale,
This dress is from heaven Child please wear it for me, for you are Divine. It will be all right, your song will take wing and we will show the managers who the real Margherita is in Faust. See you at nine, my Angel.
From Your,
Angel of Music

Meg wondered what was keeping Christine. "Christine what’s taking you so long to get dressed."

Christine looked at awe at the dress not hearing Meg. The evening gown was gold with eight tan silk under layers . The dress spread out in seven layers of see through gold material and then Christine squealed in excitement because all over the dress was white pearls and for each of the seven layers was the best white lace Paris could ever offer.

Meg heard the squeal and came running in the room and her eyes couldn’t believe it. " Christine now I know why you have been so happy. You love someone and I see he is rich and loves you too."

Christine was about to explain, but knew Meg would never believe it any why. " Meg I’m not..."

Meg cut her off saying " Oh, yes you are Christine. I can see you blush. Who is he?"

Christine didn’t know what to say and so she played it mysteriously... "I can’t tell you who he his. It’s a secret. Meg I must put this on so..."

Meg was so happy Christine found someone. So she smiled and left the room so Christine could get dressed.

Christine took off her purple dress and slipped into her new gown. She got the dresses buttons buttoned and they were pearls as well after she got the dress on completely she looked in the mirror and saw it fit perfectly. She never had a dress fit so well before.

Meg then saw Christine come out of the room and she looked like a queen. "Christine lets leave your hair down and put this gold ribbon in your it."

Christine smiled in agreement and felt Meg tying it in her hair.

After that Christine was about to grab her black shoes, when she saw new ones that went with her dress perfectly and a pure white cape where all the other capes they kept were. All Christine could think of was her Angel of Music and how she could never thank it enough. Then Mame Giry and Cecile came in, in surprise and Meg told them everything while Christine just rolled her eyes.


Earlier he was in a hurry because he was not sure that he would get the dress there soon enough, but it was perfect timing. He even saw her find the note and heard her squeal in joy. Then the Phantom heard Meg say that Christine has someone that loves her. "Not like that," he thought. Though he did feel himself blush a little hearing that.

Christine was going to get her dress off and he always respected women so he turned around not to see Christine with only her corset on. It would be shameful if he did that, but there was something in him that wanted to see her like that. "Why, he whispered? What is making me think these thoughts."

Then he heard Meg talking about how she should do Christine’s hair. So he turned around and he was so stunned by how temptingly gorgeous Christine was his jaw dropped open.

When Mame Giry went to her dressing room she found a good a mount of money and a note on the dresser before she went to eat saying...

Dear Mame Giry
Let me treat all of you to a good night of feasting on me. Do not pay me back or question me. Just think of it as a gift because of what you have done all these years for me. OG

Mame Giry grabbed the money after she dressed up in her best dress and saw all four of the girls were ready to go too. So each of them went out the door and then out back door.

The Phantom of the Opera whispered the idea before into Mame Giry’s ear so only she could hear his voice. To have Christine and them go out to eat, in order that Christine would feel better. The four girls were finally out the door going to a wonderful fancy restaurant, dressed in there best clothes. The dresses they were wearing made them look like queens of France, especially his Angel. " I do have good taste, Don’t I." he said to himself smugly.

On that note, the Phantom had to leave to meet the mangers at the office so he went down the dark gray, stone stairs and walked slyly in the shadows down the hall to the door of the office were MM. Debienne and Poligny were and looked in . They were the only people in the room which was the perfect time to scare the living hell out of them. He put his hand in his pocket to hold his Punjab noose to get ready for anything they might try, but he had a feeling they would be too scared out of there minds and do nothing at all. He got out his key to the office and locked the managers in. The Phantom went in one of his secret corridors and thought what to do next.


MM. Polgny and Debienne both were enjoying their supper. They loved there food like many of the French did. They had wine to celebrate and ate duck with gravy that made their knees weak. They also had French Onion Soup and salad and many other kinds of French cuisine. "It went well did it not M. Polgny."

M. Polgny looked at his food almost feeling starved because he was too nervous to eat anything all day and now he finally could. " Yes it went very well. There was no Opera ghost which makes it a splendid day.

All of a sudden the gas lights were turned down, so there was almost no light at all in the little office and the candles were blown out.

"What’s going on," M. Debienne whispered.

M. Polgny looked at one of the pictures on the walls and saw its eyes moving. They didn’t look like human eyes ether and they were cat like eyes beaming right through them like a tiger gazing at its prey. " Look," he whispered pointing his shaky finger at the picture .

M. Debienne looked and saw it too. A chill went down his spine and they both swiftly went for the door. Polgny got there first and tried to twist the knob and open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. "It’s locked!" they both yelled.

The Phantom smiled at this and thought, " They’re like cornered animals in a cage. I better have a good talk with them. Good evening my dear managers. If you cry out I will have to kill you both so don’t do anything too hasty," he said evilly making himself look like he went through the wall into the office as a ghost does.

Both the managers felt like their hearts were going to stop dead. "If your go kill me do it quickly, quivered M. Polgny.

The Phantom then said smirking, "You are both such cowards. If I wanted you dead you would be dead by now."

"What do you want?" M. Debienne said softly sitting down.

The Phantom ran up to him threw his lasso around M. Debienne’s neck and threw the other Punjab around Polgny’s neck. He then slowly tightened the lassos choking them and pushing them to the wall and after about thirty seconds he said, " I want Christine to sing Carlotta’s roles on Gala night not that goat! If my commands for her singing future are ignored a disaster... he tightened the nooses even more... beyond your imagination will occur. He felt sweat dripping off his forehead. He didn’t want to kill them. He let up on both the nooses ready to hear them talk though they were beginning to feel a little limp, which made him nervous they were to weak to speak with him. Talk you idiots or I’ll have to kill you both where you stand!" he yelled in so much rage throwing them on the floor.


Both the managers looked like they were going to swoon any minute. The Phantom wanted to kill them both, but he was smarter than that and knew that if he did everyone in Paris would be looking for him. So instead he would try to be less harsh with them. "Gentlemen would you please do what I say, he said softly. I want her to play that part and believe me she will be ready, but don’t think for a second that she will be seeing me. You should thank me for what I am doing. It is all in your best interest "

Then both the managers blacked out thinking they would sleep forever.

"Damn" he said taking two glasses of water and splashing the water on their faces.

They began to wake up and looked around seeing the ghost was still there.

"Well you fools will you do it or will I have to fire you from your jobs," he yelled throwing the glasses in the fire place making them shatter.

"I will get out of here before Gala night and never speak of you ever in my life. Just let me live, please," Polgny pleaded.

"Me as well. We will get out of here never to talk of you."

The Phantom thought about this. Maybe it would be a good change to have new managers. "I will pick the new managers. Do you hear me," he said sternly.

The Phantom then thought to make Carlotta the diva and then do something to really hurt her position. He wouldn’t kill her. No that would be to rash. He would have to think about it.

"Gentlemen retire from your jobs. Do you understand and never talk to anyone and I mean anyone about this night. Retire before Gala night or I will retire you on the end of my catgut noose and two new graves will be at the church, he said trying to frighten them only. He would not kill them. He was there to scare them and nothing else.

The ghost left as he came and the door to the office swung open making a loud bang. That made the two managers almost jump out of there skin.


Christine and all the girls had a marvelous Italian supper. The restaurant had a orchestra that played beautiful classical music and couples were dancing to it and clearly some of them were in love. For they were holding hands, hiding and sneaking kisses with each other. Christine smiled at this and wished to be in love, but she knew her place was with her music and no one would change her mind.

When all four women got back to the Paris Opera, Christine was excited to have her first lesson with her Angel. "Oh what a night it will be, she thought. She didn’t know what to say to Meg. She just told her something that was at the top of her head. You girls have been great, but I have to visit my fathers grave, it has been ages."

Before they could say good bye she went out the door and around to the back entrance. It was freezing out and her knees were shaking for both reasons because she was cold and nervous. A big gust of wind hit her square in the eyes making them water. She could not see where she was going making her almost fall in the snow.

The Phantom saw her small figure in the shadows, so close he could reach out and help her not fall, but he knew she would scream if she saw him and every wall of trust would be broken that he had built today. So he stood back, saw her catch her bearings and go through the back entrance.


Joseph Buquet was on his way to do a little gossiping with the balletrats. He always talked to them because they would spread the gossip through all Paris if they could . He wanted to spread anything that could hurt the vile Opera ghost. He deserved Hell and that’s what he plan to give it.

He walked to the dormitories going up the stairs, down the hall and to the door of some of the balletrats who liked his haunting stories.

He knocked at the door telling them he had some gossip to tell. A balletrat of about fifteen years old opened the door and they were all standing up waiting for him to tell his tale. He began with his little act saying, "I saw it! I saw its horrid face and his eyes that burned like fire, he said in a haunting way.

"Tell us more M. Joseph, please," said one of the balletrats.

"All right I will tell you all I saw, he said with an evil grin trying to scare them and he began to sing.

" Like yellow parchment
is his skin...
a great black hole served
as the nose that never grew

He then pulled out of his jacket a lasso made of rope. Delighting in maybe catching Sorelli with it. He evilly approaches her and wrapped it around her body.

"Meet me," he whispers in her ear.

"I will," she said smiling.

He then unwrapped her from the lasso and turned to the others and sang again.

"You must be always
on your guard,
or he will catch you with his
magical lasso."

He began to laugh in a menacing tone making the balletrat’s even more afraid.
Mame Giry came in hearing that little bit about the Phantom and felt to warn M. Buquet that he could be in danger of the Phantom’s wrath. It also angered her that he would spread such gossip about a man he didn’t even know and, she thought probably didn’t even see in the first place.

Mame Giry went up to him and began to sing.

"Those who speak
of what they know
find, too late, that prudent
silence is wise."

Mame Giry then felt an anger that she could not stop. Giry had to much history with the Phantom to just let this go with a warning. He was her friend and such gossip like that should not be permitted. She hit him as hard as she could on the cheek. She then sang again...

"Joseph Buquet,
hold your tongue..
He will burn you with the
heat of his eyes"

Joseph felt the burning pain of Mame Giry slap him. What a joke did she think that that would stop him from gossiping. He saw her go out the door in anger and he felt fine if the Phantom was mad at him it didn’t matter if he lived or died anyway.

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